Home Mains Salmon and Bok Choy Stir-Fry
Salmon and bok choy stir-fry on a white plate, showcasing tender pink salmon and crisp green bok choy in a savory garlic-ginger sauce.
45 minutes Easy

Salmon and Bok Choy Stir-Fry

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Salmon and Bok Choy Stir-Fry is a vibrant and compelling dish that beautifully marries the richness of salmon with the crisp freshness of bok choy, creating a culinary masterpiece that delights the senses. This dish is not just a meal; it’s an experience, a journey through a spectrum of textures and flavors that epitomize the essence of stir-fry cooking.

At the heart of this dish lies succulent cubes of salmon, each piece meticulously cut to ensure the perfect bite. The salmon, known for its buttery texture and rich omega-3 content, offers a luxurious contrast to the crunchy texture of the bok choy. The salmon is seared to perfection, its edges crisped to a golden hue, encapsulating the moist, tender flesh that melts in the mouth with each bite.

The bok choy, a staple in Asian cuisine, brings a refreshing crispness to the dish. Its leaves, vibrant and green, wilt slightly under the heat, while the stems retain their crunch, offering a delightful textural contrast. The red bell pepper slices add a pop of color and sweetness, enhancing the visual appeal and adding another layer of flavor complexity.

The garlic and ginger, finely minced, are the aromatic backbone of this dish. They are sautéed just until fragrant, releasing their pungent, spicy aromas that infuse the oil and coat every ingredient, imparting a warm, zesty flavor that is both invigorating and comforting.

The sauce, a symphony of soy sauce, oyster sauce, and chili oil, enriched with a touch of honey, clings to the ingredients, coating them in a glossy, savory glaze. The soy sauce provides a deep umami base, the oyster sauce adds a touch of sweetness and depth, and the chili oil introduces a gentle heat that warms the palate. The honey balances the flavors, adding a subtle sweetness that complements the natural flavors of the salmon and vegetables.

Cooked udon noodles are added to the stir-fry, absorbing the sauce and becoming a substantial part of the dish. The noodles’ chewy texture is a delightful contrast to the tender salmon and crisp vegetables, making each forkful a complex bite of different textures and flavors. The lime juice, freshly squeezed over the dish before serving, cuts through the richness with its bright acidity, lifting the flavors and adding a refreshing zing.

Garnished with chopped green onions, the dish is served with a flourish. The green onions add a fresh, sharp bite that rounds out the flavors, providing a final touch that ties all the elements together beautifully.

Salmon and Bok Choy Stir-Fry is more than just a dish; it’s a balanced meal that satisfies the craving for something hearty yet healthy. It showcases the beauty of simple ingredients, transformed through the art of stir-frying into a dish that is both comforting and exotic. With every bite, the flavors of the East come alive on the palate, making this dish a memorable feast that tantalizes the taste buds and nourishes the soul.

What type of salmon should I buy?

Salmon is one of the most abundantly available and affordable consumer fish species out there, and for pretty good reason. It’s versatile, tasty, and easy to cook. There are several factors to consider when buying salmon, including the type, its origin, and how it was raised.

The following are the most commonly available salmon types:

  • King (Chinook): Known for its high fat content, it’s the most luxurious and rich-tasting salmon variety.
  • Sockeye: Offers a robust, deep flavor with a firmer texture.
  • Coho: A more delicate option with a milder taste and moderately fatty texture.
  • Atlantic: Generally farm-raised, it has a mild flavor and a fatty, tender texture.

Considering the cooking method (stir fry), a firmer salmon like King, Coho, or Atlantic would work well. They hold up better to the high heat and quick cooking of a stir fry. However, Sockeye can also be used for its distinct flavor, just be cautious of its cooking time as it’s leaner.

Farm raised salmon is big business. It’s important to purchase wisely, and educate oneself as much as possible, because no two farms are created equal. If you can, purchase wild-caught salmon every chance you get.

Look for salmon that is certified by responsible fisheries. Labels like the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) for wild-caught, or the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) for farm-raised, indicate sustainable practices.

Salmon and Bok Choy Stir-Fry

Recipe by Kyle Taylor
5.0 from 1 vote
Course: MainsCuisine: AsianDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time


Total time



Salmon and Bok Choy Stir-Fry is a vibrant and flavorful dish that combines succulent, pan-seared salmon with crisp, sautéed bok choy and bell peppers in a savory garlic and ginger sauce, creating a perfect balance of textures and Asian-inspired flavors.


  • 1 1/2 pounds salmon, cut into 1/2″ cubes

  • 4 cups bok choy, chopped

  • 1 large red bell pepper, thinly sliced

  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced

  • 1 tablespoon ginger, grated

  • 4 tablespoons soy sauce

  • 1 tablespoon oyster sauce

  • 1 tablespoon chili oil

  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil

  • 1 tablespoon honey

  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch

  • 16 ounces udon noodles

  • 1 lime, juiced

  • 1/2 cup green onion, chopped

  • to taste, salt and ground black pepper


  • Marinate the Salmon:
    Season the salmon with salt and ground black pepper. In a bowl, combine 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and 1 teaspoon of chili oil. Marinate the salmon in this mixture for 20 minutes.
  • Prepare the Sauce:
    In another bowl, whisk together the remaining 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, oyster sauce, honey, and cornstarch. Set aside.
  • Cook the Udon Noodles:
    Cook per package instructions and set aside.
  • Cook the Bok Choy and Bell Pepper:
    In a large wok or skillet, heat 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil over medium-high heat. Stir-fry the bok choy stems and bell pepper slices for 2-3 minutes. Add the bok choy leaves, garlic, and ginger; cook until the leaves wilt, 1-2 minutes. Remove the vegetables from the wok and set aside.
  • Cook the Salmon:
    In the same skillet, heat the remaining vegetable oil. Add the salmon pieces and stir-fry until cooked through, 3-4 minutes. Remove the salmon and set it aside.
  • Stir-Fry the Udon Noodles:
    Add the cooked noodles to the skillet. Pour the sauce into the hot skillet and stir-fry until the noodles are evenly coated and heated through.
  • Combine Everything:
    Add back the cooked salmon, bok choy, and bell peppers into the wok with the noodles. Squeeze the juice of 1 lime into the skillet. Gently toss to combine and heat through.
  • Garnish and Serve:
    Garnish with chopped green onions. Serve the stir fry hot.

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