Home Mains Chicken Mole with Sautéed Peas and Mushrooms
A plate of Chicken Mole with Sautéed Peas and Mushrooms featuring tender chicken thighs in a rich mole sauce, served over a bed of peas and sautéed mushrooms with shallots and garlic, garnished with lime wedges.

Chicken Mole with Sautéed Peas and Mushrooms

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Chicken Mole with Sautéed Peas and Mushrooms is a rich, flavorful dish that blends traditional Mexican mole’s deep, complex flavors with the fresh, earthy notes of peas and mushrooms. This dish is a treat for the taste buds and tells a story of cultural heritage and culinary adventure.

The mole sauce in this recipe is made using mole powder sourced directly from a market in Xochimilco, Mexico. Xochimilco is renowned for its vibrant market, where traditional Mexican spices and ingredients are sold. This particular mole powder captures the authentic essence of Mexican cuisine, offering a deep, rich flavor profile with hints of chocolate, chili, and a blend of spices that create an unmistakable complexity.

Xochimilco is renowned for its ancient canal system, which remains from the extensive lake and canal network that once interconnected the region. These canals were crucial for transportation and agriculture, enabling the Aztecs to cultivate fertile chinampas, also known as floating gardens. Nowadays, the canals are a UNESCO World Heritage site, drawing locals and tourists who enjoy exploring the waterways on colorful trajineras (traditional flat-bottomed boats) and immersing themselves in the lively atmosphere.

A picturesque view of the Xochimilco canal, featuring a colorful trajinera (traditional flat-bottomed boats) floating on the calm water, surrounded by lush greenery
Colorful trajineras parked along a serene Xochimilco canal, surrounded by lush greenery, showcasing this UNESCO World Heritage site’s natural beauty and cultural heritage.

To prepare the chicken mole, bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs are seasoned with salt and ground black pepper and browned to perfection in a Dutch oven. This initial browning step is crucial as it locks in the juices and adds a beautiful golden color to the chicken. The chicken is then set aside, and the same Dutch oven is used to sauté chopped onion and minced garlic, creating a fragrant base for the mole sauce.

The mole powder is added to the sautéed aromatics, releasing an intoxicating aroma that fills the kitchen. Chicken broth is poured into the pot, dissolving the mole powder and forming a rich, velvety sauce. Bay leaves are added for an additional layer of flavor. The browned chicken thighs are then returned to the Dutch oven and submerged in the mole sauce, where they are simmered until cooked through and tender.

Accompanying the chicken mole is a simple but tasty sauté of peas and trumpet mushrooms. Dried trumpet mushrooms are first rehydrated in hot water, reviving their earthy flavor and meaty texture. Finely chopped shallot and minced garlic are sautéed in butter until fragrant before the rehydrated mushrooms and soy sauce are added to the skillet, infusing the dish with umami richness. Fresh or frozen peas are then stirred into the mixture, providing a pop of color and sweetness. The combination of peas and mushrooms offers a refreshing contrast to the rich mole sauce.

To serve, the sautéed peas and mushrooms are spooned onto a plate, creating a vibrant bed for the succulent chicken thighs. Drenched in the luscious mole sauce, the chicken is placed on top. Extra mole sauce is spooned over the chicken to ensure every bite is flavorful. Garnish with a lime wedge to add a zesty brightness that cuts through the richness of the mole.

Chicken Mole with Sautéed Peas and Mushrooms combines the heart and soul of Mexican cuisine, offering a comforting and exotic dining experience. The use of authentic mole powder from Xochimilco enhances the dish, making it not just a meal but a culinary journey to the culinary heart of Mexico.

Chicken Mole with Sautéed Peas and Mushrooms

Recipe by Kyle Taylor
5.0 from 1 vote
Course: MainsCuisine: MexicanDifficulty: Easy


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Cooking time


Total time



Chicken Mole with Sautéed Peas and Mushrooms is a flavorful dish featuring tender chicken thighs cooked in a rich mole sauce sourced from Xochimilco, Mexico. Served over a bed of peas and sautéed mushrooms with shallots and garlic, it offers a harmonious blend of savory, earthy, and slightly sweet flavors, enhanced by fresh lime wedges.


  • For the Chicken Mole
  • 8 chicken thighs, bone-in, skin-on

  • 1/4 cup mole powder

  • 4 cups chicken broth

  • 1 large onion, chopped

  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced

  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

  • 2 bay leaves

  • to taste, salt and ground black pepper

  • for serving, lime wedges

  • For the Sautéed Peas and Mushrooms
  • 1 cup dried trumpet mushrooms

  • 1 cup peas, fresh or frozen

  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter

  • 1 shallot, finely chopped

  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced

  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce

  • to taste, salt and ground black pepper


  • Rehydrate the Mushrooms:
    Place the dried trumpet mushrooms in a bowl. Cover them with hot water and let them sit for 20 minutes. Drain and chop.
  • Season and Brown the Chicken:
    Season the chicken thighs with salt and ground black pepper. Heat 1 tbsp olive oil in a Dutch oven over medium heat. Brown the chicken thighs on both sides, 4-5 minutes per side. Remove and set aside.
  • Make the Mole Sauce:
    Add the chopped onion and minced garlic to the Dutch oven. Sauté until fragrant and soft, 2-3 minutes. Add the mole powder to the onions and garlic, stirring for about 1 minute to toast, but be careful not to let it burn. Pour in the chicken broth and add bay leaves, stirring to combine.
  • Cook the Chicken in the Sauce:
    Return the browned chicken thighs to the Dutch oven, ensuring they are submerged in the sauce. Cover and simmer over low heat for 25-30 minutes until the chicken is cooked through and tender.
  • Prepare the Sautéed Peas and Mushrooms:
    Melt 2 tbsp butter over medium heat in a large skillet. Add the finely chopped shallot and minced garlic. Sauté until fragrant and soft, 2-3 minutes. Add the chopped rehydrated mushrooms and 1 tbsp soy sauce. Saute for 5 minutes. Stir in the peas and saute for another 3-4 minutes. Season with salt and ground black pepper to taste.
  • Serve:
    Spoon the sautéed peas and mushrooms onto serving plates. Place the chicken thighs on top of the vegetable mixture. Spoon extra mole sauce over the chicken. Garnish with lime wedges for an added burst of freshness.


  • Mushroom Alternatives: If you can’t find dried trumpet mushrooms, you can substitute them with dried or fresh shiitake mushrooms.

Pairing the Watermelon Mezcal Cooler with Chicken Mole with Sautéed Peas and Mushrooms creates a delightful culinary experience. The cooler’s refreshing sweetness and smoky mezcal notes beautifully complement the rich, complex flavors of the mole sauce. Fresh watermelon provides a crisp, fruity contrast to the savory chicken and earthy mushrooms, while the mezcal adds a subtle depth that enhances the overall meal. This pairing is perfect for balancing the intense flavors of the dish with a light, refreshing drink.

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