Home Mains Bacalhau à Brás with Olives and Paprika
A vibrant and appetizing dish of Bacalhau à Brás with Olives and Paprika, featuring flaked salt cod mixed with golden, crispy julienned potatoes, scattered green and black olives, and a sprinkle of bright red paprika. The dish is garnished with fresh green parsley, adding a burst of color and freshness, served on a white ceramic plate.
25 hours Medium

Bacalhau à Brás with Olives and Paprika

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Bacalhau à Brás with Olives and Paprika is not your average Portuguese dish. It’s a unique twist on a culinary staple, combining the heartiness of Portuguese cooking with bold, savory additions. This version stands out with its integration of green olives and a generous sprinkle of paprika, adding layers of flavor that make the dish more vibrant and memorable.

Salt cod, or Bacalhau, holds a significant place in Portuguese culture, with the country’s cooks taking pride in the myriad of ways to prepare this versatile fish. Soaking and desalting the cod over several hours is a testament to the patience and dedication of Portuguese cuisine, ensuring it harmonizes beautifully with the other ingredients without overpowering them. Once properly prepared, the fish is flaked into large pieces, ready to be gently folded into the dish, creating a delightful, flaky, tender texture.

An image of salt cod, displaying dried, salted pieces of codfish with a pale, slightly translucent appearance, neatly arranged on a clean, white surface, emphasizing the textured, flaky exterior characteristic of the preservation process.
Salt Cod: The foundation of many traditional dishes, preserved to perfection.

What is salt cod?

Salt cod, also known as bacalhau, is codfish preserved through a salting and drying process. This preservation method dates back to before refrigeration, allowing the fish to be stored for months. The process not only extends the shelf life of the fish but also imparts a unique, concentrated flavor. Before cooking, salt cod must be soaked in water for one to three days, with the water changed regularly to remove excess salt and rehydrate the fish.

Salt cod is prominently featured in various global cuisines, most notably in Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian cooking, as well as in Caribbean and Scandinavian dishes. Each culinary tradition uses the intense flavors and preserved quality of salt cod to create hearty, flavorful meals that reflect their cultural heritage.

The cooking process of Bacalhau à Brás with Olives and Paprika is a delightful journey. It starts with russet potatoes, julienned and fried to golden perfection, providing a crispy contrast to the softness of the flaked fish. The potatoes are a vital element, offering a satisfying crunch with each bite, and their earthy flavor complements the saltiness of the cod. Extra virgin olive oil is used generously to cook the potatoes and sauté the onions and garlic, forming a fragrant foundation that infuses the entire dish with warmth and depth.

Paprika is the star spice in this rendition of Bacalhau à Brás, providing a smoky undertone that resonates through the layers of flavor. Its vibrant color stains the olive oil, turning everything it touches a sunset orange. The addition of green olives introduces a piquant brightness, their briny flavor enhancing the fish and providing a sharp contrast that cuts through the richness of the eggs and olive oil, creating a unique and tantalizing flavor profile.

The eggs, beaten and poured over the mixture in the skillet, act as a binder for the ingredients, softly setting into a creamy scramble that holds everything together. They are cooked just until set, ensuring they remain moist and tender. They envelop the other ingredients in a silky custard-like layer that enriches the dish without smothering the distinct flavors of each component.

To finish, the dish is garnished with freshly chopped parsley, which adds a burst of color and a fresh herbal note that lifts the overall profile of the plate. Reserved crispy potatoes are added as a final garnish, reinforcing the delightful textural contrast and ensuring various experiences in each forkful.

Bacalhau à Brás with Olives and Paprika is is a celebration of Portuguese culinary traditions, a dish that respects its roots while boldly embracing new flavors. This dish, with its rich history and cultural significance, is a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of Portuguese cuisine. It is ideally served in a communal setting, where it can be shared among friends and family, accompanied by a crisp, chilled white wine that complements its richness. This dish exemplifies the comfort and complexity of Portuguese cuisine, making it a beloved choice for any dining table.

Bacalhau à Brás with Olives and Paprika

Recipe by Kyle Taylor
5.0 from 1 vote
Course: MainsCuisine: PortugueseDifficulty: Medium


Prep time


Cooking time


Total time



Bacalhau à Brás with Olives and Paprika is a savory Portuguese dish that combines flaked salt cod with crispy potatoes, aromatic onions, and garlic. It is enriched with smoky paprika and tangy olives, all bound together by softly scrambled eggs and garnished with fresh parsley.


  • 1 pound salt cod, soaked and flaked

  • 4 medium russet potatoes, julienned

  • 1 large onion, thinly sliced

  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced

  • 1 tablespoon paprika

  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

  • 1 cup green olives, pitted and sliced

  • 6 large eggs, beaten

  • 1/4 cup parsley, freshly chopped

  • to taste, salt and ground black pepper


  • Prepare the Salt Cod:
    Ensure the salt cod has been adequately soaked and that the water has been changed several times to remove excess salt. Drain, remove any bones and skin, and flake into large pieces.
  • Cook the Potatoes:
    Heat most of the extra virgin olive oil over medium-high heat in a large skillet. Add the julienned potatoes and fry until they are crispy and golden brown. Remove from the skillet and set aside on paper towels to drain excess oil.

    Add more extra virgin olive oil as necessary to ensure the potatoes cook properly.
  • Sauté Onion and Garlic:
    In the same skillet, using the remaining extra virgin olive oil, sauté the sliced onion until soft and translucent, 3-4 minutes. Add the minced garlic and paprika, and cook for another 1-2 minutes until the garlic is fragrant and the paprika is well integrated. Be careful not to burn the garlic.
  • Combine Ingredients:
    Reduce the heat to medium and add the flaked salt cod to the skillet with the onions and garlic, stirring gently to combine. Fold in most of the crispy potatoes – reserving some for garnish, sliced olives, and half of the chopped parsley, mixing carefully to ensure even distribution without breaking up the fish or the potatoes too much.
  • Add Eggs:
    Pour the beaten eggs over the mixture in the skillet, and let cook, stirring gently, until the eggs are just set and softly scrambled, about 3-4 minutes.

    Season with salt and ground black pepper to taste. Keep in mind that the cod and olives already contain salt.
  • Garnish and Serve:
    Remove from heat and spoon the mixture onto serving plates. Top with extra fried potatoes, and sprinkle with freshly chopped parsley before serving.


  • Soak and Desalt Salt Cod: Rinse the salt cod under cold water, then fully submerge it in cold water in the refrigerator for 24-36 hours, changing the water every 6-8 hours until it reaches the desired level of saltiness. Remove any bones or skin before flaking for use in recipes.

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