A relatively unknown cocktail within the United States, La Batanga combines two rather uncommon but simple ingredients: Coca-Cola and tequila. La Batanga was created by a man named Don Javier Delgado Corona out of his Tequila, Mexico restaurant La Capilla. It’s basically a Mexican version of a Cubra Libre – which if you’re not familiar is a combination of Coca-Cola and rum.
I kicked this simple, classic Mexican cocktail up a notch with the addition of Fernet, a spirit within the subcategory of Amari that has a robust flavor profile highlighted by licorice, cardamom, chamomile, mint, and bitter orange. This popular Italian spirit is typically consumed on its own as a post-meal cordial, but it’s quietly beloved by sophisticated bartenders around the world. I found that the addition of Fernet to La Batanga perfectly paired with the Coca-Cola flavors.
It’s also very important that you use Mexican Coca-Cola as opposed to “regular” Coca-Cola for the best flavor. As pictured below, Mexican cola is typically found in glass bottles as opposed to cans. This isn’t the reason for the difference in taste, however. Take a quick peek at the ingredients, and you’ll notice that Mexican Coca-Cola is made with pure cane sugar while the “regular” American Coca-Cola is made with high fructose corn syrup. Because of this, Mexican Coca-Cola is often described as having a sharper, more authentic flavor. If you’re interested in learning more about the complicated reason for the two version of Coke, here’s a Smithsonian Magazine article about just that.